How the private sector can contribute to poverty reduction
This new study is drawing the lessons from a series of seven case studies conducted in stages between 2004 and 2008.
These case studies are a follow-up to the original study “Poverty alleviation as a business – the market creation approach to development” by Urs Heierli, first published in March 2000. Reviewing a rich set of experiences in nutrition, sanitation, safe water, malaria control, water control, organic cotton and brick production, this book deals with the issues of harmonising the best mix of public and private sector interventions.
A series of practical and theoretical discussions and recommendations show how public and private sectors can jointly achieve development objectives. The seven case studies are summarised in this volume. Each study is available as a separate publication (see case studies).
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The seven case studies – listed below – are summarised in this volume. Each study is available as a separate publication.
Four case studies on supply chains:
- Sustainable Approaches to Combat Malnutrition – Smallscale Production and Marketing of Spirulina
- One Fly is deadlier than 100 tigers – Total Sanitation as a Business and Community Action in Bangladesh
- Marketing safe water – why it is so hard to get safe water to the poor and so profitable to sell it to the rich
- Should bednets be sold, or given free? The role of the private sector in malaria control
Two case studies on value chains:
- Ending Poverty with Water Control and Market Access – Linking small farmers to value chains and markets of the future
- Where farmer and fashion designer meet – Globalisation with a human face in an organic cotton value chain
One case study on transforming industrial sectors: